Hi...so I logged in today and noticed that my shop was empty and the shop till was also empty. Does neopets automatically empty out your shop till and put the money into your account? I'm 100% positive I had items still in my shop...though don't remember how much np I had on hand.
the only time tnt has took items out of shops was when they opened up the gallery's and wanted to get rid of all the 100k items in peoples shops.. maybe you clicked deposit instead when im using quick stock i do this allot...
I don't remember this happening to me too. Maybe you sold your items and don't remember getting the money?
well this was on an account that hasn't been accessed in over a year lol. It was used with the igloo autobuyer from this website, and I remember leaving a lot of items in the shop because I had to price a LOT of different items (since EVERYTHIG is bascially stocked in the igloo lol)...then I stopped logging onto that account, as well as my numerous other sides. I guess at some point I emptied the shop till and forgot about it? The account had a lot of NP in it, (1mil np) when I recently logged in, but the shop was empty (which I guess everything was bought since everything was priced accordingly to the lowest price I see on the shop wizard after 2 refresh on every search). It's weird...but maybe TNT puts your shop till into your account automatically after a year? Shop history was also empty, but that's most likely becuase they purge it like they say they do.
yeah, this is a possibility, depending on how much you have left on hand. If you still have millions on hand, or had a pin, then you probably weren't hacked. My best bet would be you took out the nps, and forgot. There is one last possibility. I have been know myself to do things in my sleep, like sleep walk, sleep talk, i've even done my Homework when sleeping, and cause i was sleeping too, i don't remember it, so possibly, you sleep withdrew the nps? lol
Hmm.. I think you should go see a doctor just in case. Doesn't sound like just sleep walking or talking anymore. Never heard of anyone doing their homework while sleeping. You might be committing crimes in your sleep and not knowing lol.