Neopets Neofriends Refer Program.

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by Coldness, Jan 30, 2009.

  1. Coldness

    Coldness Level IV

    May 29, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Just 5 minutes away where you live (:
    Neopets Referral Program
    It can be found on this link:

    To be honest i think it's very hard to refer people to Neopets. But after a lot of thinking i thought it wasn't so hard as it seems.
    How you ask ? We "use" eachother. Not hard at all. helps users to achieve their goals. Legitley or illegitley. It depends what you pick.

    Let's move on shall we ?
    If you manage to refer a person to Neopets you get prizes.

    • 1 refer 100 neopoints
      2 refers 200 neopoints
      3 refers 500 neopoints
      5 refers 1000 neopoints or Rare item
      7 refers Random Bottled Faerie
      10 refers One Dubloon Coin
      15 refers Random codestone
      20 refers All your pets gain a level
      25 refers Five Dubloon Coin
      30 refers A set of Bottled Faeries
      50 refers Basic color paint brush
      75 refers Super Rare Item
      100 refers Mega rare randomly selected exotic coloured paint brush

    To see how many referrals you have click here:

    After i told you the prizes, im gonna tell you how i or you could pull this off.
    So let's just say you want to create an account. Remember that you use an e-mail that you have not used before for creating a neo account. Let's say for example sake you want to create 5 accounts to use for side accounts/ selling matters / for autobuyer or any other excuse you have. Make them on the referral of mine. Then i get 5 refers. So according to the referralsystem i get 1k or a rare item.
    Please don't go all BUT THEN I GAVE YOU STUFF blablablabla act. Just continue reading xD.
    Before you do this pm me how many refers you give me. In this example it's 5.
    I will make also 5 accounts and use them on your refer program. That way you also get the 1k or rare item.
    Well you could. But remember, if you make an account on your own computer you have the same IP.

    TNT will notice this faster. If you do it the way i explained. You will have the referrals of different IP's all over the world. And not just your living room for instance.

    But if you are planning to do this. Please be aware you have to use the account. Sell it if you must. But it has to stay active.
    I would ab on it or test programs on it.
    But if you are the "legit" person. You can sell it for 10k or something (i don't know how much they sell for).
    Either way you win xD.
    Comments or other information i haven't stated please post here or pm about it ;D

    Thanks for reading :tehe:
  2. Royal

    Royal Level IV

    Jun 20, 2007
    Likes Received:
    I think this is a good idea. I am up to be referred by anyone if they let me refer them.
  3. Sapphire

    Sapphire Level II

    Jan 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Chi Chi
    i'm keen to do this huh, good idea.

  4. Ak*

    Ak* Level IV

    Dec 24, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Canada Eh!
    I hate to be a downer but its been proposed in the past. If Im not mistaken... me and Fail.(concussion) tried to bring a program like this to but it was poorly received.

    the main reasons were that it was not private enough people were scared to give out there referral link...
    so as it did get shot down already... i dont think this will work.

    people are paranoid about giving or displaying any info of neo on a cheating community that can be trolled by the tnt themselves.
  5. Coldness

    Coldness Level IV

    May 29, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Just 5 minutes away where you live (:
    oh i didn't know that. erm well to be honest i could understand why they wouldnt give out an username.
    But if you are that scared of tnt that they might freeze your account , i could have a solution for you.

    Make a neopets account on a different IP. Use your neighbours if you must. Do the referral program on it.
    Set the homepage on neopets wich looks like you come on daily and you are active on that account.
    and when you have the items/np you wanted safely transfor it to your main. and there you go.No one ever knows your account info but you.