just wondering, when do you send your scores in order to obtain trophies? is it only during reset day? so you are only able to obtain trophies if your score is in the top X in the score table during reset day only? thanks!
I have gotten all my past trophies during the rest day. Especially for Evil Thade since the score is alot lower then.
I don't know about you guys, but my time here 7pm is 12NTS.. so on the reset-day, i'm on the spot! hehe
Midnight neopets time is 8am for me in Scotland. I'm guessing you're right on the other side of the world from me!! Getting count von roo avvie bugged me cause I had to get up at 8am (finally got it today) But as far as trophies go, I wouldn't get out of bed for the reset...
It resets everytime at midnight, that I'm aware of. You can view the current neopets time near the Northeast corner of the main pages and archived sections. I'm also only 2 hours ahead, so mine resets at 2am. Does anyone know about any trophy grabber program, and possible freeze-rates..? I'm sure that would be exceedingly high.
I've never heard of any program like that. Maybe you should suggest it in the program forum... Though I think it could be a high freeze rate if you don't have any trophies or high scores in the games, then suddenly you're an expert! hehe