I got a nerkmid and I don't know whether I should sell it or use it in the vending machine. It's worth like 220k. Any advice is appreciated, hopefully based on experience
I would sell it. Think I got one once and used it but don't remember getting anything usefull from it. Sell it and buy yourself something nice Petpage (not mine btw) with Nerkmid Prize info, to help you decide : http://www.neopets.com/~Fruzia <3
It's possible to get it from a random event. And even if he got it free, he wants to maximise his profits. If he used the nerkmid, he might get something bad, or something awesome. But the thing he got might not be worth as much if he just sold it.
Great minds think alike I went through pretty much that exact same thought process. I'll probably base it off what the prizes look like, but since JN is down I can't look there so I asked here.
You get an avatar from using it aswell. If you got it from a random event i'd use it, but if you bought it then i'd resell it. Even if you get crappy items from using it, you still get the avatar.
C'mon, were the hacking elite of neopets. 200k is small change for us! Thats like a night or two of ab'ing =D
A night or two?!! :lol: I'd say one or two hours Now OT: I'd say, just use the Nerkmid. You never know what you can get.. you can get some really nice PBs. And besides, you can also get the avvie.
Depends where you AB and what kind of list you use...I don't AB any UBs or anything, so it would take me a bit of time to accumulate 200k...not 1-2 nights, but not 1-2 hours either Sorry to hear it didn't work out...I recently got a nerkmid from a RE and sold it, that would've been my advice :/ Although I don't care about avies...
At least you got the avatar, assuming it was a main account or something. I would've used the Nerkmid, or I would've sold it and bought one from my guild (they sell avatar items, e.g. pinatas, snorkle snout, nerkmid, etc. at discounted prices based on guild rank) for some profit, and still the avatar.
If you still have the nerk, id use it tonight. Since it's reset night and you have a chance of winning a trophy.