Yes, but why would you need a debugger? The only reason I can see is to hack programs, discussion of which isn't allowed in this forum.
I need the debugger to troubleshoot programs, and figure out why they give errors, because lately I've been getting a lot of those.
Are they your own programs? Because if so, then you can use traditional debugging methods which IMO work much better. If not, then its probably easier just to contact the author, since its really hard for a user to fix a logical error.
Do you actually know of any .NET debuggers, or are you just looking for my motives towards acquiring one?
I'm questioning your motives and trying to help. A little bit of both. I don't know any .NET debuggers on the top of my head, I could certainly try and look for one. But if I know what you are trying to do with it, I could perhaps find an alternative solution.