Hey I'm just wondering if anyone would be interested in helping design a new interface for AU. At the moment, other than the main screen the interface is pretty much just yellow boxes.. and I thought it might be nice to try something more stylish in the next version.. but since I suck at graphics myself, does anyone have any ideas or even want to design it? :tehe: The interface for each form/screen can simply be an image with space for controls (i.e. text boxes/buttons/etc) to be placed. Also it would be nice to hear what AU users think - does it need a new interface?
I could give designing that a shot, I don't have AU but I can see what you mean about the yellow boxes. They look like they were made in Xara Xtreme Pro very simplistic. I'll PM you a design later, probably.
Lol well it was my poor attempt at photoshop actually =/ If you just want to do a new design for any one of the forms, maybe the list management one in this screenshot that would be cool download/file.php?id=331 If you design one form and it looks good we can go from there.. and if anyone else wants to give it a go, it would be nice to see designs from more than one perspective thanks
Actually, expon, I think it isn't that bad...I mean, it could have a better look, but I could live with it like this because it pwns . What kind of changes are you making (or attempting to make) to the interface anyways?
I'm gonna have a crack at it expon. If theres anything in particular you want it to look like, PM me. Also, i'm designing a splash for a main screen, perhaps you could use it. I'm also looking for other sound files you could use instead of the crazy annoying one you have currently