This will be available tomorrow morning so don't forget Age: 643 days old (15,435 hours)
ya i think there was a pretty big drought for a while though i remember looking up times and seeing months in between them i think last time i got one was sometime last september or october, but i havent really been collecting avs since then
a quick qns, if my pet is like 7 years old, i just have to change it to a darigan pteri and i'll be able to get the avvie?
You should be able to, as long as its over 644 days old in general. Thanks for the tip Rise i gotta stop getting iced so i actually keep this avatar :lol:
^ Actually, not exactly. Two clarifications: 1) You just have to view the lookup of a Darigan Pteri that is 644 days old; you do not have to own the pteri. 2) The Darigan Pteri must be exactly 644 days old. If it just needs to be over 644 days, the list of pets to view will just keep getting longer and longer! xD