These new Twin Faerie Blades are sure to have a bit of an impact on the Battledome. Not in the HT though, maybe TNT forgot to put it there? or maybe it will come out elsewhere...
They are in the HT now for 13 mil not sure of the icons yet ill post them when testing is done and IDB puts them up it seems to be rivaling pcc, sos, kbt though
Looks to be 3-8 water 3-8 air 3-8 light 1-5 physical Highly variable. Larger max, lower min than SoS. Suppose it's a riskier one. Gets a few through gshield and ftab though.
yup, 10-29 icons huge gap, decent for 1p, not worth it for 2p, the range of the weapon can easily determine the battle, if it hits 29 u can get a lucky win, if it hits 10 u can get a dumb loss, id personally not use in it in 2p, I don't see it catching on as a big constant, maybe a 3rd or 4th it seems that the water, air, and light don't hit 4 icons or 7 icons, so its even more sporadic and it seems to average 17 icons, which is lower than the average of kbt, sos and pcc, but equal to their minimum
Don't get to excited just yet > If its anything like the past few weapons that HT has released, then it will get nerfed soon enough. By that I mean stats modified. Usually not a good thing either, however sometimes it has gotten better. I wonder if this means they'll be retiring one of the HT items? SoS or PCC would be good.. Or the GBomb to go with GSword...
I think it averages a little less than sos. I personally won't be including it in my set as I'm not a fan of weapons that get partially blocked. However, it'll be interesting in 2p as pretty much every shield blocks a portion of it, but it has the ability to hit large even when partially blocked. Will definitely throw a spanner into the mix of 2p mid range fighting. I was expecting something to replace the gsword however
IMO its a pretty pathetic weapon, a good variety of icon types? Yes, but not enough of any. Easily blocked by G-Shield/F-tab. The only use it has is to stack with PCC; but then again PCC stacks better with itself
PCC is too new, SoS is too much of a staple and retiring it would cause massive inflation, GBomb MAYBE but agian, massive inflation. Since Inflation is what's been on TNT's minds lately, as seen in the editorials of late, I don't think they'd do something that would cause so much inflation. If they were going to retire something, it'd be one of the more useless weapons, like Bagguss Bomb or something.
Speaking of JBR, do you know if transferring a pet still unequipts it? I heard they fixed it or something
Sigh...they're ALWAYSreleasing new items. Even if you're a millionaire, how are you supposed to keep up? :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: