*NEW* How to deal with NOOBS [GUIDE]

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by DeNo, Dec 12, 2008.

  1. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
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    Under construction...


    Noobs, noobs, noobs. We hate them so much dont we? Not just here, in every aspect of humanity. The guy who cant run on the sports team, the incompetent trainee at work. However, you should keep in mind, these people are the future family members of NFnet. As I once heard from someone very wise "Do not just view someone on what they are now, but who they will be in the future". (Okay, maybe that wise person was me.) But seriously, without these "noobs" the future of NFnet would be doomed and days numbered. So instead of punished, we encourage from now on.

    "The ultimate indicator of how 'big' someone is, is how they treat smaller people" - Dale Carnegie ( A real wise man )​


    Okay, before you let loose with the flamethrower of doom and keyboard, just consider a few things.

    Is the member new?
    Im not sure if you can remember- some of you relics have been around for quite that long - but we were all new once. We all drooled over Expon's AE (300 cash) and such and it seemed like an eternity raising cash points by ONE POINT AT A TIME, so we've all been guilty of sending the occasional stab of spam with NFnet. Its just these 'kiddos' are new and need to get it out of their system..

    If it keeps happening
    A great yardstick I heard from someone, I think it was Hally? Was to give a grace period to level 1 before pushing down the big red flame button. Because seriously, if a level one is still spamming it's inexcusable. If thaats the case, give me a buzz and i'll help you out.

    Okay, this one is VERY important. Education is a weapon against noobs, purging them of noobness and recruiting them onto the side of 'us' - the vets.

    Private Messages
    Okay, this one is a paralell to real life. If someone had bad b.o. (body odour), its quite unkind to go up and chuck a "ffs mate, you stink like a wombats a**hole." so same deal with going "hey noob, stop spamming you fool.". Firstly this humiliates them in public and naturally turns them away from the site. Instead a much more intelligent and tactful option, is the soft tap on the shoulder - through pm- and just maybe alert them like "Hey matey, I noticed some of your replies were abit short. The mods usually pickup on this and bad shit happens, just a friend heads up. Try putting some thought into em?". This way they get the message subtly and probaly will find the place much more friendly

    Public Humiliation, aka The Flame
    This is where it starts to get serious, and kinda fun. When the 'noob' perserveres with spamming and one-liners, then it becomes from a misunderstanding to a problem. Most of the vets that have been busting a nut over these noobs have been jumping straight to this one. Well, its bound to happen to all of us atleast once. Just when you tell them off for spamming, keep yourself in check and dont lose yourself. Keep it relevant without personal attacks on character. And probaly just add a friendly hook at the end like "Seriously, this is a really good community were running. We would love you to be apart of it, but only of you can be a productive member".


    * Definetly not Icey, there would be no noob left alive if he was let off the chain :yup:

    Threatened me and demanded I give back her right to put noobs over the fire like marshmellows. In fear of my future kids, I conceded.

    Anyway, heres the lowdown. Lately theres been a real unofficial crack down on newer members spamming and just generally not meeting our hardass expectations (half sarcastic, so dont worry). This is starting to blow out to be quite the issues with threads being started about it in Spam all the way to the exclusive Level 2 club.

    So I've decided to make a thread to kinda just maybe shed greater understanding on the situation and maybe allow a bit of harmony for newer and older members. Maybe allow the 'noobs' some respite?

    Well, keep checking back.
    Commy and Kaito like this.
  2. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    If they're blatantly spamming, or being extremely noobish, try sending them a pm, and giving them a link to the rules.
    Report their posts if they are breaking the law. They will get their comeuppance.
    And as annoying as it is, if a mod isn't on, just keep on reporting. We are able to delete any programs and points and posts they make, so just keep your cool.
  3. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
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    I just put in the framework to it.
    read it and tell me what you think, you HAVE to leave atleast one suggestion after reading.
    thank you =]
  4. CoS

    CoS Level IV

    Jun 16, 2008
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    i agree that some noobs are ok and will 1 day be "family members"

    but i dont want to have to sign in to the whole of the newest posts page on every topic being MR n00b with 2 word posts!!!

    Some of the n00bs just spam without realising but there are some who do it intentionally and this should be cracked down on :eek:
  5. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Alberta, Canada
    I flame because of continuous stupid posts and irrelevents.
    Sure I spammed to an extend where every topic from the GC had my user as last posted once with something to say. But still I don't ever recall me going into a thread and posting irrelevant things like "lol wut a good idea..why did my camel never tink of dat lsusllululululuz" I wanted the program too. But then again maybe I was lucky because I like to chat and give opinions half the time.

    It just bugs me that spam or not..people type things they won't say in real life..and to be honest, I can't stop being annoyed by it. I wouldn't even bother a PM. Half the time I leave them alone anyways. Who knows they might spam me with 50 pms of "LAWL DO YEW LIEK PIE"

    They are fun to mess with. I don't like my joy taken away from me. I refuse to be nice!!

    Dennis what a noob. Srs just like get lost!
  6. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
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    Im making a section up in the guide for you. Look near the bottom
  7. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
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    PA, USA
    >:[ *mumble grumble stupiddoublestandardMooiecansayit'sfuntoflamenoobsbutIgetcastratedforit mumble grumble*

  8. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
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    hehe what can i say my icey my friend,
    you havent threatened the livelihood of my children yet so NO DICE! =P