Anybody else noticed this? It seems kind of dumb. But then again nice to see TNT is actually stepping up support a little. Link: Wonder if they did this because of all the people sending complaints too Viacom. Haha! New referral program is here:
Interesting. It's about time they stepped up their service. It's been in steady decline since 1999....
Yea, it is nice. And I remember the good old days when i first started playing.. The support used to be really good and they used to not only be nice...but they used to reply pretty quickly. But when alot more people play, i guess i understand where they can get lazy sometimes.
Haha.. Yea, well sometimes I don't blame them--running a website is alot of work. Even for a team of 20+ people. Hopefully next they will revamp trades, auctions, the bd? lol. Hoping the BD is number one on the list.
Anyone know if the referral prizes were changed? I haven't looked at the referral page for awhile now but this new page... for 10+ referrals, it shows boxes with question marks. Anyone know if they were changed from the old prizes or is TNT just trying to be more mysterious?
TNT has been very busy lately.. New PBs, new DoN challenger, new shopkeeper, new referral program, new FAQ system, etc.. I wonder what they'll do next..
The only reason they are doing this is because neopets is on a massive down hill slide To late ro repair in my oppion