New Set!

Discussion in 'Graphics & Art Showcase' started by goncalo, Jul 4, 2007.

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  1. goncalo

    goncalo Level IV

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Banned From Heaven
    Just made a new siggy/avi.
    I've been trying new stuff lately in order to get a good depth in signatures without overusing my grounge brushes, and here's the result. I added c4ds and worked with some filters, and only brushed once too.
    Imo this is my best siggy so far so I'll be using it >=).
    C/R please.

    EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention what the sig transmits imo.
    I tried to represent how Vader ends.
    The last moment when he watches his son Luke Skywalker suffering from the Emperor's force, and then he turns himself against the dark and defeats Palpatine.
    In the sig, that's represented by the shadows consuming the below part of Darth Vader and the bright light at Vader's face, which basically represents his son Luke guiding him out of the 'evil' way.
    Also, the fact that he's looking up 'portraits' the part when he looked up to Luke and told him to take off his mask, so he could watch his son for a moment with 'his own eyes'. After Luke took his mask off, you can see that he Vader looks a lot older than he actually was (he was 40), and that happened because he followed the evil side, he ended up 'consumed by shadows'.
    It doesn't bring an image that most of you are used to 'give' to Vader (the horrific, creepy, heartless part), but instead I tried to 'watch' his personality from another perspective.
  2. zachrules

    zachrules Level II

    May 21, 2007
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    i love star wars. to bad i didnt have any programs to make awesome graphics :?
  3. NoPoint

    NoPoint Level III

    May 24, 2007
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    Somewhere on the Planet.
    I like it. It is a very unusual view of Darth Vadar. Don't think you will see any other siggys like this! I also like your reasoning behind the view. I don't think I quite see it like that though. To me it seems like you are looking up at him in all his glory, more like a worshiping point of view. But I can see where you are coming from. Vadar does look a bit shocked from this view, or that might be just what I see in it. 8.5/10 and a gold star for you!
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