Well you can now trade pets instead of just transferring. It is being used to stop trade scams. Right now it is beta for premium members. Also there are more shields for the Neo veterans. The trading pets will defiantly be good for av lenders and for people trading pets. It's nice to see TNT stepping up for once! If you want to see the new layout shields go to Jellyneo.
I soooo glad they did the trade option, I was sitting on kittens when I traded some random user for a Super Robot Draik. This will seriously cut down on the noobieBoo scammed me out of my pet complaint boards, I love it. As for the shields I uber happy to be rid of the never ending 6 year.
this is great...i will have to go to my portal and check this out...i have done my transfers for this month though...am i going to be able to use this for this month or am i going to have to wait til Oct....
Exchanging counts as the user-to-user transfer for both of you for the month, so both members must have their transfer available.
that is what i thought...i was just wondering cause i used my transfers for this month...i guess October is not that far off to trade...thanks for help