The first one... But not realy sure... xD I create this Smiley : Code (Text): O_O Just a preview. The quality is low !
Why is the funny-looking first one currently in use if the second one has almost four times as many votes? *unsure* I know that I'm a complete weirdo, but the fact that every single other smily in existance has the same kind of eyes, yet for some reason this new one does not really bugs me. The conforming smily is winning, but it's been shafted.
Oh, Moo made the first one first so I uploaded that. I then suggested to make a second one which she did as well but I haven't gotten around to uploading the new one yet. I'll go do that now... EDIT:
has my vote. but I say we need a smiley like this: I'm in the habit of doing :* from neopets... and the smilie is cute ^_^