..So this is what TNT waste their time on? Meh, I don't really use the boards anymore but I guess they're cool... Hint hint.. nudge KICK thwack mods here.. We need some new ones too!! If TNT can do it.. we can too
lol, did you guys see what one guy on the BDC did with those codestones? He used a pair of codestones to go under this: ======D Quite the imagination he has
For anyone who missed the post: http://www.neopets.com/neoboards/topic.phtml?topic=141822265 Hehe. And he got away with it, too.
I like the codestone and the dubloon, too. The others looks like jpg-non-friendly =( Just comparing with the quality of these ones: > <3 - much better, isn't it?
meh. I only like the codestone, since I have the avatar. The kougra and drake is a waste I think.. So small I can hardly tell what it is unless I take time to look at them.
I don't either... And you'd think they could take the two seconds to make the bottom two transparent But they are cute
I like those smileys yayay =D I like the draik better than the kougra. XD perhaps that's why they made tnt made a board thing to test those out ;D