Is it a legit pet..? And can you post a link, or some stats. I'm curious as the see what it is, type, power, intelligence etc etc.
Horbi, that's its name..? Can you post a link for me CH, I'd like to see if I can spot it being legit or not. I'm sure NeoPets thinks it's legit, especially if the account still exists and isn't iced. I'd also like to see how my pet stacks up to it.
hrobi is the owner... She's kind of famous in neopia, i guess.
Age: 7.96 years 2909 days 69,836 hours Hit Points: 11504 / 11504 Strength: ULTIMATE (2745) Defence: ULTIMATE (2133) Movement: ULTIMATE (4831) Intelligence: ULTIMATE GENIUS (2121) Leveling Statistics: Grasshopper 20 and Under 1 codestone 2 hours Basic 21-40 2 codestones 3 hours Intermediate 41-80 3 codestones 4 hours Adept 81-100 4 codestones 6 hours Advanced 101-120 5 codestones 8 hours Expert 121-150 6 codestones 12 hours Master 151-200 7 codestones 18 hours Grand Master 201-250 8 codestones 24 hours Levels 1-20 20 Stat Points can be gained in 40 Hours (lvl wise) 40 (complete) Levels 21-40 20 Stat Points can be gained in 60 Hours (lvl wise) 60 (complete) Levels 41-80 20 Stat Points can be gained in 80 hours (lvl wise) 160 (complete) Levels 81-100 20 Stat Points can be gained in 120 hours (lvl wise) 120 (complete) Levels 101-120 20 Stat Points can be gained in 160 hours (lvl wise) 160 (complete) Levels 121-150 20 Stat Points can be gained in 240 hours (lvl wise) 320 (complete) Levels 151-200 20 Stat Points can be gained in 360 hours (lvl wise) 900 (complete) Levels 201-250 20 Stat Points can be gained in 480 hours (lvl wise) 1200 (complete) The systems way more complicating than that, especially considering they could've used items. And you have to consider the Hit Points required as well. Anyways, to reach 250 in lvl using this stats system would require: 2960 Hours or 123 Days That being said, each stat at 250 requires an estimated 123 Days. Hit Points itself at 11,504 requires: 5,658 Days There is no way this pet is raised strictly through the academy, it is more than impossible, nor do I have any clue the immense cost would've been to raise it through items. I'm a bit iffy on whether this pet is legit or not, but who knows. An example of the strict item cost would be: Jhudora's Magic Shroom (Whatever its called) 100,000 for 1-3 HP. 11,504 Hit Points would Require app. 383,466,666-1,150,400,000 Considering the total stat's combined its: (Excluding the books) 21,213 That estimate on items would be: 707,100,000-2,121,300,000 I have no idea what this persons home life is like. BTW, that's 729,219 NP's a day since the account was created in case you were wondering. Edit: There is no way of telling how this pet was raised, many things go into raising NeoPets, especially high lvl ones. This system of calculation is at best faulty, and unothadauxed. It's simply an example of one possible raising method, and a very expensive one at that.
haha, seriously. I have no clue how it is possible to make almost a million NeoPoints a-day 7 years straight. I didn't even include the cost of the books, and believe me, those books on there are in no way cheap. (Becomes their friend FTW) Edit: (To say the least, they would've earned 100K Daily for 7 years straight. This is considering negging, and previous item pricing.)
maybe they invested in just th right items... or its a few people combined... If so, 250k a day itsn't impossible legit, but still hard... I think its probably one good cheater, lol...
Hmm.. Now that I think of it, it could've been an adopted pet. Maybe the pet is unlegit, but that wouldn't be the users fault. Common sense ftw..?!
erm lol helen is 100% legit and you guys are forgetting about inflation. Years back,codestones were cheaper, strengths erums were cheaper, Neggs were cheaper etc etc it is possible
lol, the fact that you guys are argueing over this means that you have lost any connection to the legit Neopets community completely. @Chris: the pet name and the owner was in the quote "Hrobi's Antorcha has claimed the title of strongest pet" Anyways, hrobi is famous, among other greats like featheralley, munsterpoo, garet_jaxx, etc etc. Training school isn't the only way to level up. All the serious upper levels bders use negging, along w/ kquest. And like SoC mentioned, years back, everything was like 80%+ cheaper than it is now.
Zer0 & SoC: I believe in what you both say, your both quite an intelligent members of the board, and more experienced than I am at it. I wasn't around back that far, or even close, so I'm not sure how it was. I do know earning NP's was supposed to be alot harder though. As far as items go, I did suggest that being the main method as training school would seem unlikely, it's somewherez behind my wot lol. I also believe this pet to possibly be adopted as well, it was obtained a good while after the account was created. I'm sure it's legit, after further research and opinions. I mean come'on.. NeoPets ban's legit users, I don't think they'd advertise a falsely raised one. However, I still believe this person to have if any, a very stressful home life though. ha. I also noticed the user above talking about negg's, which particular one did they purchase. If anyone wants to know how to raise a NeoPet by example, I'd follow what that person does. All in all I think I'm just jealous. Can you imagine what that account would sell for..??
Earning the amount of NP was harder, but NP was worth more. You didn't need as much NP back then as you do now. Why do you think antorcha is adopted? I don't think so since people are very fond of their self-created pets. Plus I don't remember any such discussion in BD chat, where a major adoption would start numerous topics. There are lots of different neggs for several different combinations of stats. Sneggs are fairly common, as are cool neggs. There are also several potion alternatives to neggs such as bomberry elixir, etc.
lol, I didn't know you were active. You quoted me before I got to spice it up some hehe. :heads to the chat to pick on Zer0: > I've actually never read the neoboards before, not a very active member, just got many, many NP's. The reason I believe the pet is adopted is it's age is longer than the account, which makes no sense. The pet is 7.96 Years old, but the account is only 6 years old. Edit: seven7seven (response to lower-post) I assume your talking about the adoption, however I would need an elaboration on your statement to be sure: Yes, I know. It's not out of the question it's adopted though, after researching its age I've determined the pet to be older than the account. Mathematics: Pet Age: 2911 Days divided by 365.25 (Average Year) That equals: 7.9698836413415468856947296372348 Years Rounded off the pet is app. 8.3 years old, and the account is 7.96 years old. (A real technical year is 365.242199 days, however .25 is just a rounded, but accurate sum) Btw, welcome to the boards! I hope you enjoy it here, there's alot of intelligent and friendly members in this community. And as always, great programs as well.
hrobi has been playing more than six years. I think the badge image's max out at 6 years, look at the "Started Playing" section of her lookup - May 30, 2000
haha I knew you were going to get me here on the post. Im still unto something though. The pet would be over 8 yrs old even with this logic, not 7.96. Heh, so it's still not out of the question it could be adopted, or at the least was not their first pet. Their first pet would fall into the 8.3 range. All in all, a little after 3 months into the accounts creation the pet was either adopted, transferred, or traded for a new one more than likely. Edit: This can also be determined by whether or not they have the Dr. Death avatar, considering they only have one pet.