Why must they ruin everything with that horrible laggy flash :/ http://www.neopets.com/winter/index.phtml and why do they spend time changing crap like that, when there are heaps of glitches around the site? :/
GAH it's a little hard on the eyes. To be fair though, it did kind of need a make-over, the rest of the site is starting to look like this, and it didn't really fit in. I guess we can expect more makeovers of neopia places.
It lags like h*ll. It takes like 3 minutes to load the page... New top of terror mountain and ice caves to! They look alright. Kind of pointless though to change the GUI.
It did need a makeover .. but it didn't need a make over in flash. The second TNT make anything in flash, it automatically makes it more laggy, and jacks up the minimum requirements another 2GB of RAM.
Aww My favorite place on neopia was changed D: I guess this is one of the reasons why I don't play anymore. Change? Nah, I'm good.
I miss how the maps and such were HTML only. >_> The new terror mountain doesn't look bad though so that's good.
I have my monitor and graphics card set on very bright, i cant even read the writing lol, kept clicking snowmuncher thinking it was snowager at first too much white :/
it looks really nice compared with the old one, just wish they can offer a non flash version.. happy valley looks way crowded though and i hate the snow on the top of the mountain.. everything else is fine though.
Wait, guys, do they still have the option at the bottom of the page to have it HTML or Flash? The last time I really went on Neopets in person, they had that (I use programs). They should still have that because some computers can't handle the Flash without taking forever or crashing. (library computers suck, so they crash over anything )