Hello everyone. I just joined. Thought id post a few before i head to bed. My last neopet forum shut down. So it took awhile to find another but i ended up here how is everyone.
Welcome to NF. Take a moment to read the rules here: viewforum.php?f=73 And pm me if you have any questions about anything and I'll try my best to help you. Have fun!
Welcome to NF. This place is quite fun, I hope you enjoy it. Make sure you read the rules here tho! PM me if you need anything at all.
Hmm, talked to you a couple times since you joined, but never formally welcomed you. Since the topic is bumped I might as well now. Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay. I hope you find the users, programs, guides, and topics informative and helpful. As always, follow the rules and enjoy your stay. Feel free to contact me if you need help with anything, or the available users.. we're all helpful to some extent. Btw, pic 4 = win