I find im caping a lot of my titles now to gain attraction is it too much? There are whispers going around Neopia that speak of a mysterious new "high roller" wheel! Nobody knows where exactly this Wheel of Extravagance lies, but this new background prize from the wheel itself might give you an idea of what it looks like, at least! http://www.neopets.com/desert/extravagance.phtml I just spun it for 100k...let you know what i get i won 100,001 nps Avatar: pretty nice one really, assuming its for winning the top prize, or possibly a specific avatar prize Prizes: i won 100,001 nps nothing +5 def +5 str +10 def +10 mov +10 int 5 hp heal 25k 50k Wheel of Extravagance Stamp r-101, i assume there will be a lot of these that pop up, probably not worth the investment Wheel of Extravagance Background, i assume this will be similar in value to the stamp brightvale job coupons nerkmids lab map pieces paint brushes (seems to be mostly high end ones being reported) any r100 (reported that people have won glittery ss worth aprox 400-500mil, but i dont think any have been proven yet) this is good, lab maps are gonna deflate and so will nerks im assuming it can increase all stats by either 5 or 10
This looks to be a pretty sweet wheel I got a Golden Nerkmid X from my first spin Pretty good return I'd say
Ugh this is really bad for the economy as a whole. Everyone's going to be spending 100k more a day. Mass deflation everywhere. I came back after a long time quit and big HT items are going for a mill less than they should. So messed up. Nerkmids are going to be cheaper, so PBs will deflate, which is good.
Someone won a Pink Brightvale Job Coupon The avatar is called `High Roll`and can be gotten by landing on the black square on the wheel
ah so i assume any job coupons can be won think i covered all the prizes, have any been reported that im missing?
Will you add in r100 items? They can be won... I'm hoping that some previously unseen r100s will be added in I think this will deflate the pricey items people can win by a lot ;-; gotta admit, this encouraged me to make a r100 gallery, potentially. Can't wait to see prices and wheel ratios two weeks from now
So for the people who won prizes...how many spins did it take? They're actively doing something about inflation, so we'll see how it goes. Mike, as for the deflation of the HT items, probably due to HT discount day for aged accounts.
ARGHHH NO FML I lost 100k, and i'm legit so that'll that forever to make again, haha. fucking hell. x) first spin as well.
I used to be an av collector, then TNT froze me unfairly a couple of times. Then I started cheating. Now I know not to fall for neopoint sinks.
+5 intel for 100k...totally not worth it that spin oh well ill probably stop spinning once i get the av, but until then ill spin it every day at least before everything deflates huge
Whelp, lost 50k on the first spin. Looks like a fair amount of people are winning, but I'd guess more people are losing.
Spent 500k, just got 50k, 25k and You Win Nothing rewards. If it does give out r100 though, this is a great wheel