I know I should be long over it since Viacom ended our warring days many years prior, but I just can't! Does anyone know if there are big sites like Neo that have site-wide events such as wars? I highly doubt it though. Makes me appreciate Neopets' ingenuity that much more.
I don't know any other sites like Neopets... but you could always try a MMORPG. There's always war in those I actually used to play ragnarok before starting Neopets again.
Meh, I like wars that are meticulously detailed. Like Neo. Ragnarok/WoW don't have that feel to it. Plus it's an all together different genre.
Wait, so there definitely won't be any wars again in the future? (Or is it just very probable that there won't be another one?)
There won't be any more. The target age for Neopets is much lower now, and promoting war is the exact opposite of what parents want.
Hm, if there definitely won't be another war, then shouldn't the battledome items deflate tremendously? But the demand seems to be as high as ever... And I looked at Marapets. It's almost an exact replica of Neopets, except with worse artwork.... They don't seem to have any plots/wars either though.
I think BD items have not deflated because TNT still releases weapons and the BD still exist. As long as there are things like DoN and new weapons being released, players will still always want weapons. Plus, in my opinion, the Battledome is one of the best things about neopets. Although I know there will not be anymore wars, it doesn't stop me from trying to have the best BD sets. :maha: