Does anyone else do these things on Neopets? For me, I HAVE to have a denomination of 25,000 in the bank. i.e. I have to have 700K, or 725K, but not 712K or something. It really, really bugs me if it's not that way. Another thing I do is I ALWAYS price my items to end in 999. If I looked at the shop log and one of the items ends in something like 276, that would REALLY bug me >_> Anyone else this way?
I used to do the same thing. If I didn't have an exact denomination of 10k, 100k or 1mil in my bank, I'd flip. It'd be the same way for my shop till. Eventually I just got over myself and liked seeing large amounts of neopoints all in the same place no matter how many there were. (Now if that would only work with my OCD skittle candy sorting)
OMG I do that too lol. There always has to be an equal amount of each Skittle, and I have to eat five at a time so that there's never an uneven amount. >_>
Totally! I sort each color and eat one of each color in rainbow order until they all have the same amount, then I continue eating them in rainbow order. People usually think I'm strange at that point. lol
I allways need to have an empty inventory :S It bugs me to have unused crap in there, so I allways put it in my SDB. I guess the SDB is like my closet in my room
what about when you have multiple of the same item...i have to have 1 in my inventory and i store the rest in my SDB. it's kinda like having 1 on hand and the rest stored away until the 1st one is gone, then i take 1 more out of my SDB to replace it lol
Multiple's of the same item doesn't really bother me. It's only anything that's number (digits) related that bothers me.
i also do the number thing as well, it's funny how it happens to so many people. in real life i have some weird things as well; if im listening to a CD/radio the volume has to be an even number unless it's 5, 15, 25 etc. so it can't be on 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13. also, everything on my desk has to be aligned. everything is at a right angle and is parallel to the side of the desk. if someone messes this up they laugh as i get pissed and fix it.
Lol I do that with my books as well. If I have a stack of books, they have to go from biggest to smallest. If they're all the same size, they have to be in alphabetical order. Other things I do include organizing the bills in my wallet so that they're all in denominational order and all facing the same way. Another thing that bugs me is that if a light is on but the lightswitch is down, I have to fix it so that the lightswitch is up while the light is on.
I always have to have 25k np with me at the end of the day. Logically I should deposit everything to get better interest from the bank, but I always have to have my 25k. I never like to go below it either, like, I wait until I have 40k to buy any stock, because 40k-15k=25k.
That sounds interesting :lol: im acting like the opposite version of you. I never want my items labeled "OCD", instead, i always set prices such as 3434, 5787, 9838 ,4766 It makes me feel good B)
OMG if I was ever forced to do that, that would drive me completely insane. No joke. I wouldn't be able to go to sleep at night.
I myself wouldn't fully call it OCD of me, but when ever I will deposit neopoints it just has to be a even number. I don't care what the total is or anything like that but when I deposit the coins it's either all of them or an even number.
I always run 3 IglooABers. I always have amounts of 25k in the bank. My inventory almost never goes over or under 25. And I do my dailys as soon as I wake up in the morning.
I can only carry 15k in neopets at a time, no more or no less, unless I actually want to buy something
I end all my prices with "000" and well bank amount, I never really made it a different way. Does having self named AND well named pets be a problem? I sit here for hrs sometimes thinking of names. Oh and I have a tendency to hate disowning my own pets I's like abandoning a child {not like i know what that feels like but just a comparison}...even if it was some ridiculous name I made up in gr 5..but after selling accounts those people abandon them anyways so I never go back to their userlookups >_________>