I'm trying my best with Photoshop and later i will be posting for the Graphics Award...so what are you waiting for? :lol: :lol: :lol:
id like a black and red siggy, about the size of yours but about half the height maybe, with some sort of Neopets villian or warcraft Or diablo2 feind in it if possible, thanks
I could use one not quite as tall as those past two, but with a battle faerie theme or something. (I know that's incredibly vague but I am extremely uncreative and not at all picky since my cat is better at graphics then I am :lol: )
One with a lot of various pictures of mick jagger on it would be awesome, and then somewhere on it "Jaggerrr". That would be awesome but im not really expecting anything
I will take care of the request a little later because now i'm in a hurry Edited: I don't have a clue how to start doing your requests so please give me some more detail :?