UPLOAD YOUR SCREENIES I'll go, here are some: AND if anybody saw this Battledome, which I missed, here it is.. (Other screenies like Random Events are fine) (I screenied during a Trade)
Re: Upload your Pound Screenies I usually don't take time to screenie any rare pets I see. Lol. Especially if it were a Darigan Gelert! Did you get them?
Re: Upload your Pound Screenies No, I only screenie pets I dont get i have more also, but I dont feel like uploading.
Re: Upload your Pound Screenies Wow, that's a REALLY nice bd pet. I snagged one today, but not as good. Str/Def/Lvl were all 45-49. Only bad thing was hp...
Re: Upload your Pound Screenies I would give you a special cookie if you did upload them. The cookies are fresh from the oven!!
Re: Upload your Pound Screenies That was pounded a LONGG Time Ago. There was a plushie krawk in there a long time ago.. cant find it. Your Screenies?
Re: Upload your Pound Screenies Wow a draik o_0 nice one man! Too bad you don't stand a chance against AA'ers D:
Re: Upload your Pound Screenies NOOO. these are all legit when I was actually pound surfing. I dont use an AAer unless im trading/adopting a pet someone is pounding lol.
Re: Upload your Pound Screenies You're the best. I know it would be a little weird to say this, considering we just met and everything...but.....I love you.....there.....I said it. Lol, with all goofiness aside, I owe you a special cookie. *hands fail a special cookie!* A random event has occured! The special cookie voids every ones cell phone warranty!!! That's too bad. Way to have bad luck and screw us all over :lol:
Re: Upload your Pound Screenies Give me smoethin other than a cookie then? Im allergic, and I had cake and ice cream today, so no sweets please?
Re: Upload your Pound Screenies Yea, I need to stop spamming. I have no screenies, but I do think I saw that same sketch flotsam. Did you take the screenshot 1-2 days ago?