Heey! I kinda just found out about Neofriends and I have yet to know how reliable it is to browse these forums and to share my Neopets public information for the sake of not being frozen, so I'll keep annonymousity until I find out 8D; I'm Blitzkrieg here, I'm 21, I've (legally) played neopets for over nine years and I'm an artist on my free time. Because I'm unable to effectivelly make neopoints and I'm too scared of using programs, I'd like to start selling custom artworks (for whatever usage, you may even claim it yours if you wish) and thus, I'll be trying to reach Level I to be able to view and participate in the Black Market section :3
Heyy! Welcomee! It's ok we're safe here haha. Just make sure you don't publicly post an email/account name/pets name on the forums, and even if you are to let someone know via PM, be careful PM me with any questions ^^"
Welcome! And I agree with the above - don't post personal information publicly, including pet names and such that can be linked back to your accounts. I'm Sora. I'm not super active, nor do I play Neopets religiously like I used to. I'm on Gaia and Yoville now. =p And in real life, of course.
Hey there - I'm going to love you once you reach level I. I demand your first artwork :3 Before then, I'd love to see some of your work ^_^
WELCOME TO NF! *hands over welcome cookie* *runs to superstore to buy more welcome cookies* *gives you more cookies* YAY! NOTE: NEVER POST YOUR NEO USRNAME IN PUBLIC, YOU COULD GET FROZEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAIII XD I'm John. Like said above, don't post your username/any other details and you should be fine xD Good luck getting to Level I ;D
Thanks for the warm welcome Neofriends and nice to meet you all :] It seems extremelly hard to get up to Level I considering posts in some boards don't count and I don't want to write meaningless posts ^^; I have a question however: How does one sell artwork or even pets and accounts without providing their username to the buyer? Do you make a side account to gather neopoints and transfer to your main? Do you transfer the neopoints from that secret side account to a friend's account from across the world then transfer it to your main? Won't TNT chain freeze you by IP checking? Or do they not consider let's say.. MSN evidences (If that was the method the seller and buyer used to discuss the deal)? TL;DR: How does one safelly sell ilegal stuff on neopets?
I'm having the same questin Blitz (newbie here to) lol. I'm also trying to get to level 1, for the main reason of hopefully finding a uc plushie mynci, Welcome to the forum though
First off, hi Blitzkrieg! Welcome! As far as your questions, a lot of them can be answered once you reach the black market. It has guides and tips when looking to trade accounts, pets, NP, etc. As for your question about where to earn NPs, transferring between accounts, etc, there are a lot of great guides here: neopets-cheating-f80/ They're pretty informative and will help you find a way that will work for you. Good Luck and welcome to NF! Hope to see you around!
Oh, I see I see. Well, thanks again for the warm welcome. I guess I'll just wait and check it out for myself then. ^_^