Please help! I have a fountain faerie quest, i need a healing potion XVIII. And i'm not sure what to paint my bori, PLEASE HELP ME! I WILL BE YOUR BEST FRIEND!! I'M VERY POOR and for proof i need one, here. This is my account. Send me mail if you want to. PICTURE HAS BEEN REMOVED DUE TO SAFETY ISSUES
Thank you dark for getting me my healing potion, much appreciation and ill try and give your money back
13k is no money at all xD Im sure he has no issues. In future don't post your username in pictures as TNT will ice you Paint it something nice =) Pirate or something rare! congratulations
Thanks, i really wasnt expecting it, but i decided to paint my gnorbu a nice chocolate colour. If (this is a big if) i get another quest from fountain faerie or i get a good paintbrush i might sell of paint my bori that colour +rep for dark too. And just to clarify it, i was only 33 hours old on neopets when i got the quest. How lucky am i
Ive had thousends of accounts (when neopets first started we didnt need emails to sign up so we used to sign up buy a scratchcard spin the wheel and do other random crap then if we didnt win logout lol) but only ever had one FFquest still have it too i'm waiting for a pet to come along that i like
May god have mercy on you, tnt should take pet suggestions. If they do, ima make a hissi + jetsam combo, like an electric eel neopet
garr you're awfully fortunate... i'm thinking about investing in a few lutari beads and hoping for the best. i reallyyy want one
Here are my choices: Faerie, Island, Chocolate {but you can't paint it choco unless it's lab right?} I'd say go for something expensive ^_^ Grats!
Congrats with that Some people have been playing for years and still haven't got that quest :O Btw, I would go for a Pirate Buzz It gives you an avatar and you can trade the Pirate Buzz against another pet if you want. But that's me since I'm an avatar collector
congrats on the FFQ if your selling for a reasonable price i be interested in buying pm me if your interested in selling