"There is also the chance I may not bring back Avatarlog at all." Noooo...I use this site to keep trackk! x_x How am I suppose to remember which out of all those tiny little avatars I have now?
resu mentioned the link i use too.. just like avvie log, inport your avvies then add as you go Very helpful XD!!!
I like avatarlog's format better, but TDN's avatar counter also works. The only thing I'd really miss about avatarlog is the Most % Owned page, so I can see what avs I'm missing and go down the list by popularity, which generally suggests ease of obtaining.
Ya' i actually like that too.. I think tdn has something of a sort as well.. *goes and has a look* Ack!! Nothing like that.. i thought i seen a rarity list.. could of swore i did.. Sorry Mooie/Anfan.. thought i coulda helped
Exactly why I like it too Anfan. I know TDN has one, but it's just not up to avatarlog, and that's what I was implying. I wasn't actually saying there isn't one out there anymore
Starry should put ads on the page or sell the site and operate as only an admin. I bet she'd get a couple grand for it at least.
THEY CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!! X3 That site is my life. D: Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. It's really thorough and good for when I am too lazy to research.
Yeah....that way users like us are happy, someone else who has time will maintain it, AND she makes money. Lololol stupid girl, she doen't know how to invest :maha:
o= Noo, I used that too, and I just set myself a goal of getting a couple more avvies. Thanks for the other link Resu - I haven't even been on that site before But I guess I'll try it out anyways. I didn't have much stored up on AvatarLog anyway. Uh, and yeah, off-topic (sorry!) but I noticed just last night that neotrades doesn't exist any more, or has it been moved? =s
tryed TDN, not bad, but it just isnt like avatarlog. I really hope avatarlog will be back up in a few days/weeks