I think this is hilarious. For some reason when i think of him robbing all that stuff I think hes thinking that he got away with murder he can get away with anything. Karma I guess :tehe:
I didn't think he would get away with crime 3 times in a row. He should be shut up for now, and he could go to jail until he is 94 which he deserves. I mean, he will suffer since he has arthritis, and he deserves it because five people could have had there heads chopped off because of OJ.
could you guys outline who he is? and why his so important? I know his an american, thats probaly why i odnt know too much about him
He was a former football player who was accused of murdering his ex-wife and her friend, all the evidence pointed to him, it was so obvious but he was found innocent. Now he robbed a guy at gunpoint, and is FINALLY going to jail.
alli can saty is its about time.. but still he should have been smart enough not to get caught again or even better not to have attempted it to begin with... this time no free pass oj
What a fricken idiot that's obviously mentally-ill. I don't think this is a harsh enough of a penalty; he will never learn his lesson.
OJ was guilty from the start he just happened to have a good lawyer lol. This time it caught up with him though, lighting doesn't strike that many times in a row .
OJ is so screwed in the head. I can't believe he could face his children after he murdered their mother with his own two hands. I'm curious how the other inmates are going to take to him. If there going to recieve him with open arms because he was a football star or if there going to crucify him
Two murders is not "so many". I mean, the guy isn't a serial killer by any means. And no, I'm not defending him, because I believe that he did get away with murder back in '95. The only death sentence he'll get will be at the hands of his fellow prisoners. But, he's more likely to get out after a few months for [strike]his fame[/strike] good conduct.
One murder is many to me, why would he do such a thing -.- Mostly with his $$$ I'll be willing to bet he's going to get out soon.
Didn't you see the [strike]his fame[/strike] aha? His fame will get him out early like every big celebrity before him.