I'm using bootcamp on my Mac atm and for some reason my cursor is twitching by itself? At first I thought it was the mouse but it isn't. I unplug my mouse, deactivate my trackpad and it still twitches everywhere. Could it be spyware/virus?
By twitching you mean moving about by itself? There's a high chance of there being a virus so i suggest you download some antispyware program. Or it could be external factors affecting it.
I have seen this before and it was a clash of drives. But need some more info, is it a Mac laptop? what type? Is the mouse that your pluging in a apple one or another brand? Running Windows XP? What you could start off with is to run some updates. Virus scan never hurts too.
Maybe the surface you are using for your mouse? Sometimes for specific mouse cloth surfaces make them jump around.
got that problem before.. i was using some mouse which was crappy mouse and it cause that twitch problem. could either be that or virus