Hello all, Some of you may remember you, other new guys and gals may not. I'm Rexx, I've been here for quite awhile, more inactive than active recently. I've come back many times, but every time it seemed the neofriends community was moving at a snail-like speed, leading me to be inactive again. For that I'm sorry. I was once a big contributor to the graphics section of Neofriends, actually, every other forum as well! I've always been good with people, tolerant, helpful, and I'll always put on a happy face when I'm around the forum, because that's what the community needs more of! So guys, I'm back, hopefully for good. Schools done, summer's among us, and I intend to play an active part of the community for the next long while! Thanks guys, Rexx
Hey, I probably joined after you went inactive, but it's nice to meet you *high five* Oh, yeah, and the forum's really slow today , but it usually isn't this bad
I don't remember you maybe because where I am new and probably wasn't here to start with XD But welcome back to the both of you!