LOLOL i just found the motherload of old stuffs i made in the fotoshops MY SPACE WORK CAN BE FOUND HERE: From all the way back to 2004 to 2006 lololol 2004 lol lol ... ood7bt.jpg - zomg space stuffs - moar space stuffs with exploshuns 2oo5 Siggehs: fail oimsodifferentandcreative ihasgotbett0r? animegirls?>! cloudo so prettyful \m/ scary turkeh made by moi ninjas! run! and I made one space scene lul: 2()()6 moar siggehs (but 2006 edition) coolio abstract0rs abstract2rs vector-stract CRAZEH moar of the same shiz (...I was uber creative in 06) ....... shoooooooooryuken same stuff new colors cooooooooooool cooooooooooool :| space scene fail: ... ion3ba.jpg ... ion8da.jpg -exploshun redux - fractal nebulas - small terraspace AND MOAR OF MY SPACE WORK CAN BE FOUND HERE:
wow... Charleh i never knew you were awesome at graphix. Somebody award him the gfx award. lol... I like the 2006 sigs the best
I love the TNT one with the smilies. Did you create all of these yourself or are you using other peoples renders? If you did them yourself- WOW YOU ROCK If you did them with other's renders- you still pwn.
all the ones with c4d renders (the abstract ones) I made myself. All the ones with like characters and such (eg. Ken, Cloud, Anime Girl) I used a render from the interwebs render site The turkey and alien and smilies, I made those myself and the space scenes I made myself
Then you, sir, are wrecking my self esteem. I hate you. :'( That's the problem with being really pwnful, people might hate you ^^ --- By the way, could I take one of those smilies? xD
The TNT one was really cool because of how the wire or whatever went into your name. All simply amazing. Srsly.
I should probably re-do that one then since everyone likes it so much =] Edit: graphics-art-showcase-f53/uh-oh-redux-t25066.html