OMFG JIZZ!!! Building a PC

Discussion in 'Computers and Technology' started by Junior, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)

    Thats one of the cheapest parts places I've found.. EVER. And there is a store about 5minutes from my house, and an even bigger store within an hour of my house :D ... KILLER.pdf

    = awesome PC!!

    Only problem.. I refuse to pay that much, and I don't need half that crap. I want similar specs though...

    = Parts list. Anyone want to build me a PC with MEGA awesome specs. Only need the tower, no keyboards, speakers, monitors etc. I want no less than 8gb ram, (preferably 12gb minimum). I don't need any windows/other programs. I already own a copy of windows etc.

    I want to use this for video editing and awesome gaming. So video card is VERY important... And obviously a power supply to support all that!

    Haha!! I've been making alot of threads lately huh? Alot of asking you guys to do stuff for me.. I'm sorry, im just lazy.
  2. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    Alright Junior, I was going to build one for myself, so I know exactly what to get :p. All I really need to know is your budget and I'll get you a list :D.
  3. tharoux

    tharoux Level IV

    Dec 30, 2006
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    In front of my PC, Montreal
    You think those prices are cheap ?
    WD Green 2TB = 82 AUD, paid 57 AUD 2 months ago.
    Every items I checked is 10-30$ AUD cheaper over here.
    Sucks for you !

    Anyway, I'm not up to date since my PC is quite new so I'll just go with recommandations (altought you're surely aware of all this):
    -SSD as primary drive. WORTH EVERY PENNY !
    -Don't cheap out on GPU, NEVER !
    -Don't forget a good power supply.

    8GB of RAM should be enough. Some programs on my PC stopped working when I went from 2 to 4gb since they were not X64 compatible. If you're still using old programs, you should check that out too. I have to run only 3.5gb of ram instead of 4gb so my programs can run properly :(
  4. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    8GB does not have anything to do with the conversation of x32 vs x64? The only main benefit (from several studies) between x32 and x64 is that x64 can handle more than 4GB. x32 should be able to handle 4GB though. And I thought if you got a Windows 7 x64-bit version, there was compatibility or something.

    The thing to remember about memory is if you are planning to overclock, large amounts of memory can also cause problems. But since I was planning to build you a dual-Xeon processor computer, overclocking won't be needed. You ask why? Xeon processors actually outperform the mainstream i7 processors 1 vs 1 for a similar price, but when you take 2 Xeon processors, it's complete domination. I would take 2 medium-level Xeon processors over a high-end mainstream i7 processor any day. It allows for two processors to be accessing triple channel memory, up to 12 cores (for dual-setup), and a ton more :D.
  5. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    Haha overclocking wont happen.. never has, never will. I can't be bothered.

    Thar those prices for Australia ARE CHEAP! We always pay more for computers/games/technology etc.

    It's just, the way it is. Even with the Aussie dollar stronger than USD at the moment, our PSN downloads STILL cost more.

    As for budget, I've gotta convince the missus before being able to buy anything... So I'm going to say around the 2,000 mark. (give or take some... if required :p)

    Remember that I don't need any OS, I don't need a mouse, keyboard, monitor, speakers etc. Only the tower and components to run.
  6. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    You can shop around for some cheaper prices :).

    Name: Intel Xeon W3670 Westmere-EP 3.2GHz 12MB L3 Cache LGA 1366 130W Six-Core Server Processor
    Quantity: 2

    Cheapest Found: link - $1234.98 for both

    That's fucking 12 cores :p.

    Name: TYAN S7025WAGM2NR Dual LGA 1366 Motherboard
    Quantity: 1

    Cheapest Found: link - $438.29

    You might find cheaper motherboards: here you might be able to cut some cost for the other parts. All you really need is triple channel memory capability and enough PCI x16 slots :D.

    Name: Your choice of 2 GB stick
    Quantity: 6

    Memory is usually really cheap.

    Power Supply
    Name: Probably a modulus supply with some 80 PLUS standards
    Quantity: 1

    Name: It really matters on your color preference and what you're looking for.
    Quantity: 1

    Suggestion: link, a possibility with its large expansion and cooling abilities.

    Video Cards
    Name: Radeon HD 6950
    Quantity: 3

    Cheapest Found: link - $525 total

    Main Storage 1
    Main Drive: 30GB SSD Drive
    Quantity: 1

    Cheapest Found: ~$60

    Main Storage 2
    Main Drive: 1TB HDD Drive
    Quantity: 1

    Cheapest Found: ~$55

    There's your configuration. It comes out to around $2500 everything in, but I don't know about Australia's higher prices. Also, I did everything maximized around that $2000+ budget, but there might be some unnecessary things for you. It's about as much as you can juice out of $2500 with a 12 cores, triple channel memory, 3-way SLI setup.

    Oh and about that weird configuration you saw me do with the two storages, it's actually probably the best combination of SSD and HDD. The SSD would be your boot drive while the HDD drive would be where you would store your shit. It's actually the way to go because if you get hit by a virus or something happens to Windows, you still have your documents. And if you partition that 1TB, you can store and backup your data on that drive :).
  7. tharoux

    tharoux Level IV

    Dec 30, 2006
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    In front of my PC, Montreal
    What I meant to say is if there's some old programs you still want to use (or still NEED to use), you might have a problem there. Even running W7 X64, the drivers for my TV tuner are simply not compatible with 4gb since they are limited (hard coded) to 32bits. Pass that, the drivers simply refuse to work.

    Having 8gb of RAM with program that require 3.5 (32bits limit), it's a waste of memory.
  8. Lex Luthor

    Lex Luthor Newbie

    Dec 8, 2008
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    Just be sure to go to Toms Hardware Guide's web forums at

    They will be able to walk you through a lot of headaches when it comes to compatability. My first build, I didn't listen and bought a Biostar mobo before they worked out some production kinks. That thing pancaked my whole rig. My next few builds, I went and crowd-sourced the specs until I found something tried and true. My friend's PC's never have issues, aside from general stupidity on their ends ;)
  9. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    Wow I want that computer so bad...

    Unfortunately with my holiday coming up, I won't be able to afford that for a while. By the time I can I'll ask again ;)

    It wads good to get a rough estimate though.. THANKYOU!!
  10. fearalucard

    fearalucard Level II

    May 2, 2010
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    When your ready I will put one together for ya. Im looking for about the same pricing, My build did include 2x 24" screens and a $300 case. I too shop at MSY it is a good store.

    Lightning that is a good build but 12 cores is over kill unless you are planning to run VM.

    Also it well worth investing in a bigger SSD around the 120GB or bigger. Mine is 64GB and the more every day apps that you can fit on there the faster you PC is when opening programs after you boot.

    I have a 30sec boot time and can start using any app without waiting. Also when I played WOW I had it on my SSD drive and it reduced my latency and increased framerates. oh my my pc is now going onto 4 years, the SSD is only 1 and 1/2 old. I see my Pc's as an investment and try to build them to last.
  11. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    Trust me, 12 cores could be extremely useful. I know my uncle is an engineer and he's doing all of that complicated shit with 3D designing, it comes pretty darn handy. For me, I can use 8 cores but 12 might be overkill. When I have this computer running 24/7 with several Visual Studio open, Digsby, PhotoShop ocasionally, Dreamweaver, and a 6-tab Google Chrome, my dad's poor Core2 Extreme is not so extreme after all. Then add on that I sometimes slack off and start playing 2k11.

    I would rather spend money on a smaller SSD + large HDD and have some extra cash to upgrade the processor than the expensive large-storage SSD. The dual setup is probably the most balance between price and performance. Now if you're willing to pay so much cash for it, you might have enough to get a very nice dual 4-core Xeon setup (8 cores total) and get a large, nicer SSD (or two) with a small HDD backup/data drive. Or save the cash for a 3-way SLI setup. So many options with that much cash :).

    For right now, 12 GB would be overkill. But if you are thinking about having a long-term computer, more and more developers are utilizing the drop in cost for memory, and eventually, 12 GB will be necessary.

    EDIT: Junior, when you are about to get the new computer, PM me. I wanna see the stats :p...*drools*