...a HUGE spider in my bathroom this morning! It was at least 4-5 inches big (including it's legs) *shivers*.. I have always had a slight case of arachnophobia so you could imagine this scared the hell out of me! I called for my dad to get rid of it but the dang thing got away and I don't know where it is now (>.<") So... What are you guys afraid of? Anyone afraid of spiders too? PS i am also scared of clowns, they are freaky!
We are spider bombing our house on thursday because i have killed 13 spiders in two days sitting here at the computer....creepy huh
Oh my God. I hate spiders! I could shout if I see one! If I see one, I take my shoe and lash out on it That's funny - And there are big spots! ^^
This I can fancy! Recently was over my bed a spider! After the spider was away, I could not sleep any more ... !
Talking about spiders Check this one, she's living with me. Isn't she adorable?!?! Btw no, I didn't paint her yellow, I found in beach and there was her lying just at my side so I had to bring her home
I hate spriders, yuck! I seen like a few black windows around my place and one time I even sat on this chair we had and one day my friend looked under the thing and saw it with an egg
I don't know too, I asked my Cience teacher and she says she never saw a spider of that color. I've also noticed that she has 2 types of legs: short and long ones. Take a look at this picture, you can see her pretty short legs and 2 pairs of long ones. EDIT: Btw, I haven't speak of any fears I have yet. I HATE clothes moths! Not when they're in the butterfly form, but yes while they crawl. I am not even able to approach to kill them x_x
Are you sure thats a spider and not a baby hermit crab or something? You said you found it at the beach
What you've got there is a migrant southern apple spider. She probably hitched a ride and ended up finding a home in the beach. Non-poisonous but their bite leaves a stinging sensation that can numb a small area for a few minutes, depending on the size of the victim. Mainly friendly spiders. These little guys suck the juices from citrus and pests that live around orchards. Name it Madam Lemon Yorkinsphere
Clever, thanks for the answer. Can you tell me what should I feed them? And how much time do they usually live? I currently feed her lettuce, hasn't been doing any bad so far ^^ And I'll just name her Yorky, Madam Lemon Yorkinsphere is way too long
Spiders are nothing compared to house centipedes. The other night I was about sleep on the couch because my room upstairs was too hot, and I inspected the pillows and blankets becuase I've seen 5 of those things crawling around. not five minutes later did a huge one crawl down the back side (in the front) of the couch. It was huge. And the only light was the glow of the TV which could ahve exagerated it's size but it was nasty. Here's what they look like: http://www.whatsthatbug.com/images/hous ... tarian.jpg They are harmless but still nasty.
Lettuce is a good choice. Any soft vegatables, citrus slices, small buggies. They have a fairly long lifespan, actually just under a brown recluse's span of 2 years. Judging on the size of yours, it's probaly got a good 1 or so to live. Since she's a captive, if you want her to live her life to a maximum level, I suggest sticking some very yellow flowers with stems and a lemon or two. She'll feel less stressed when she can blend in with her surroundings.