I went to the Mystery Pic page and clicked on the most recent competition and I get this official TNT message: Ooooh you little cheat... you have been reported to the Neopets Team! :O My heart stopped! Until I went back and saw the FAQ: Q: I was checking out past Mystery Pictures when suddenly I got the message: Ooh you little cheat, you have been reported to TNT. A: Haha Do not worry, this was just a joke that we have decided to insert on some of the past mystery pics. Your account is fine and you have not been reported . HOW MEAN!!!
or any other cheating site lol. Man.. it really got me though :maha: I didn't realize they had such a sense of humor.
Yeah, well they sort of do. Back when it was Adam and Donna it was better I think. They used to send fake warnings like "You have received an official warning from TNT! Please keep all arms and legs inside the car when it's moving!" and so forth.
Ahahahaha! Funny stuff. I remember the first time I got that! It scared the heebeejeebus out of me... How did u do it.
Adam and Donna used to post on the battledome board as well, taking questions for the editorial. Good times.
EXACTLY!! XD If I wasn't I probably still would have been freaked out a little.. just not as much lol.
EW. The Pink Poogle Toy was named after a forum I use to be a member of -nods- But, I've had that before as well and I got really scared. Especially as I was a 7 year old playing legit with 5,000nps (OMG SO MUCH!) in my bank.
That happened to me when i was looking at one once, it was the previous one i believe. I freaked lol. I actually mailed TNT and they wrote back saying not to worry it was a joke.