My neopets is half eaten!! I mean, the bar on the left that shows my pet and my neofriends is only showing half of it. Did this happen to you? It happened to me today, how do you solve this??
What do you mean half eaten? if it's not there, it could be that you just accidentally rolled you mouse wheel while you held ctrl.
same thing for me... the box with all my pet stats and image is too much on the right and is overlaping with the main page.
Yes, I'm on IE too and it does the same thing. I didn't even notice at fist. Took me a few moments. xD
If it's just with IE, then maybe this is a religious calling to use FireFox..? Everyone knows it's the superior browser ;D
so what should ie users do? i only log in at the library so i cant really dl another browser i like ie there anything we can do?