What's ultima ABer? Never heard of it By the way, tried AU and up to me is one of the best around, full of features, fully compatible, no problems at all with it!
I think Knux means "Ultime" not Ultima. I have the igloo aber, it works very well, but not nearly as versatile as AU.
Igloo ABer just restock at Igloo... While the AU can restock in shops + igloo + spider + stock items in shops + autopriceing + more & more Up to me, it's worth the $ it costs
Thank you, I did mean Ultime... I just started using the igloo ABer today, it works great...the items are pretty HTS though...
not all the items are hts. i recommend removing all the neohome items from your list though as they tend not to be very high profit and are extremely hts. ive found things like pinatas to be very ets if priced appropriately. i usually put them in my shop for 99999 np and they sell before the day ends.
Up to me, the list is old, not updated with the new items added by Neopets recently This is my list: http://www.neofriends.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=19238
I like the igloo and the firefox autobuyer script(need to pay cash or nps)...but there are plenty of abers, just look through the autobuyers section in the downloads. Also, if you really want the AU, you could donate...but that isn't available to everybody and isn't required.
I've came across a buch of great abers. My favorite one was.....wait I forgot its name lol. My least favorite was eggy. I hate it ;[