Hmm so I was wondering how come paint brushes are so much more expensive than MPs? Is it because PBs aren't restockable? But then again can't people buy a MP instead? I'm talking about existing MP vs the existing pet that can be painted with the PB. Ex. plushie pb vs plushie chomby MP. Or is it just because paintbrush can paint pets in which their color aren't available as an MP?
It's because if you sell a pink paintbrush you can sell it to anyone who wants a pink pet but if you have a pink chomby mp you can only sell it to people who want specifically a pink chomby ^^ So basically there is a bigger customer base for paintbrushes and the more people want something the higher the price.
A lot of the time this isn't the case. A lot of the times the MP are more expensive. MP are usually more rare, collectable, and in my time on Neo MP are usually more expensive. A lot of Baby MP are well over 1 mill and the Baby PB is only 600k.
Yeah I haven't done alot of research to be frank. It's just that I was looking at the plushie chomby MP vs the plushie paint brush and another plain chomby MP and I realized the plushie chomby MP is so much less expensive.
I think in the case of the baby mp it is mainly collectors of mp that drive up the price. Plus baby mp look nice and if an item is good looking on neopets it helps ^^
I think MPs are great for people who want a specific combination for their lab rats, makes the whole process simpler with 1 item instead of having to transform it with a potion and use a paintbrush
Hmm yeah but what i'm thinking is that it's because they don't paint ALL pets to a specific color right? Say in this case scenario, there happens to be a pink poogle morphing potion which is a plus, but there is no pink bori potion, people can buy the paint brush and paint the bori because MPs aren't available for those. That's my guess any how.
The main reason mp's are higher are because of their rarity + I/J questers. Many people make a gallery of all r99 mp's so they can attempt to complete I/J quest, then sell out the rest of their gallery with the added 200mil profit from I-staff/WotDF.
hi every body i personaly think that paint brushes are good but the morphing potions help alot with your favorite pet
I buy and sell paintbrushes a lot and was wondering the same thing. When it comes to the pink or grey paint brush i don't get why people buy them. The pink/grey mps are 800/1.5mill max respectively. The reason why some of the more expensive paint brushes are that price, i.e. Maraquan, pirate is because there are certain mp combination's that aren't made which people want. Like pirate krawk morphing potion for example. If you want a custom painted pet and the paint brush is not under 2mill, always check if there's a mp for that species/color combination. Chances are that if there is a mp, its cheaper.