What's the best paintbrush that's made in neopets. I know that people really like the baby paint brush, but which one is the best? I'm saving up to buy a paintbrush but honestly I don's know what's the best one. Finally, isn't just getting all the lab map pieces the best thing to do to change your neopet's color?
lab ray is completely random. so chances are you wont get any good colors/species. most expensive pb at the moment i think is lutari. but its only species changer. after that i think pirate pb is most expensive/one of the best. or plushie/grey/faerie/royal/maraquan. the "best" color for your pet mainly depends on what species, as some colors dont look very nice on some species.
As far a I know it can, it just picks a possible combo and it gets that way. Made me a robot poogle once
Made an invisible krawk once. JK!!! fools. no its entirely your preference. I think you should pump with labbie till its a beast. then you morph it into a basic colour then paint it. cheapest and most effective way for what you want?
You can get some good Lab only colours such as Jelly and Robot plus if you get bored with your pet's colour you can just zap it and see what happens
* The highest price --- Lutari Paint Brush (about 8 mil np) (well, im not sure if this one is available to use) * Second highest price --- Pirate Paint Brush Maraquan Paint Brush (each about 7mil np) Seriously, please check the rainbow pool http://www.neopets.com/pool/all_pb.phtml before you buy ANY paintbrush
I personally like a lot of the pirates and OLD faeries (whichyou can't get anymore since conversion) I recently got a Pirate Jetsam, I recommend I'm using Lab on two accounts, and so far it's not really worth it. Ive gona week straight with nothing but gender changes >.<
I agree with you about the lab not being worth it. It's not a bad choice if you just want a nice looking Neopet, but if you're looking for a specific color, you can fo'get about it.
And don't lab if you want to train eventually >.< Lab rats are often untrainable because the stats are everywhere. That, and I get 1-2 color changes a MONTH.
Well as long as you get your level up you can eventually start training again. But that reminds me of when I went to Coltzan's Shrine and he gave me +1 level, which bumped me from level 40 to level 41. Twas a sad day.
my most fav is the grey paint brush.. i made quite a bit of money buying and selling these aswell which is probably why i like them so much.. but i had 3 grey at once for awhile ^^
How sad [...] I once gained one level at Colzan's shrine (from 20 to 21 ), and tried many times to dice with count von roo(to decrease the level for sure), only made the level increasing though...
I thought that the paint brush worth the most was the zombie paintbrush? I was under the impression that it was worth around 13 million? Now I havent double checked that but I feel like the lutari paintbrush is not worth the most. As far as the lab being used for painting or training. I am meh on both. If you have an auto trainer it might be easier. But all in all it feels like the lab would be asinine. And for paint colors? Unless your lucky? forget it...
I guess you are asking for an opinion?! Are you asking for an opinion or the value? It all depends on the pet and the style you are interested in.
it even turns pets into jelly, i reackon you could get an ice bori from the lab if you were lucky..best p/b though? got to be plushie eh? ive wanted a plushie draik for a couple of years now..they keep getting more and more expensive..
labray is kinda fun though, since you never know what you're gonna get. the only part that pisses me off is when it changes species
Never zap my "main" pet with lab ray LoL If you keep zapping the pets piicked from the pound , There will be at least some oppotunities to get profit from them.