Oh, paint it grey/pink buzz if you dont have the avatars (this way you get two) but if you want to go for coolness and looks, maraquan! (it looks like a lobster prawn thing.)
I painted my Buzz Pirate and then traded it against a reasonable BD pet I would go with Plushie or Pirate, those were also the most common answers when I asked this question on the boards
Mysterious Swirly potion- Able to be caught from the Underwater Fishing cavern, Mysterious Swirling Potions have the ability to randomly turn your Neopet into either a Kiko, Koi, Cybunny, Chomby, Tonu, Poogle, Hissi or Jetsam. The color of the pet that is given the potion will remain the same after coverting into a limited edition pet, unless the color is currently unavailable to the pet. A Tyrannian Moehog, for example, would be unable to turn into a Tyrannian Hissi since that color does not exist for Hissies yet. In this case, the pet would become a Hissi of a random basic color. Info from TDN.