Im not 16 yet so i can't really get a part time job. Although i worked for 2 weeks in work experience and the shop has offered me a job when im 16 so thats good news
I heard the age for employment is now 15, in Canada, could be wrong though, 16 sounds like it's right, dunno.
In my opinion, even working at say.. McDonald's, which would be an annoying place to work at, for me, is better than school, I'm not saying DROP OUT lol, I'm just saying Work > School, guess that's why we go to school in the first place
Could be sometimes lol like if you work for family, although some jobs can employ under 16 like doing paper rounds and things like that. Higher education can lead to better jobs which lead to more money.
I dont' have a job, well actually I do, kinda, im a business owner, an im only 22, it's a family business... I own/manage 2 pubs in my town...
I've found jobs online (using careerbuilder or monster), through connections/referrals, but I generally look for jobs based on their benefits. I took a job with my current company back in 2005 because I wanted to go back to school and they paid 100% of my tuition.
I work for my dad at his practice sometimes, so I've never had to actually go out and find a job... I'm guessing you just go out and get applications and such
Location matters most to me so I've always found jobs that are close by. No way I'm wasting any more than fifteen minutes getting there. But as soon as I'm out of college I'll have a real job and that will change.
I've been at the same place since I was 16 and have rapidly moved up in position. So I've never really "looked" for a job.
I go online, ask around, and go to the stores myself, and stil i havent been hired, it seems people that are the laziest gets the job
i tutor 10 bucks an hr but its frustratng when ur trying to teach a 6 year old the word "the" but end up forgeting it the next day -_-