I just got a neomail saying my pending score was accepted for Kiss the Mortog. I scored 35,000 points. I sent that score in two weeks ago when that score would have gotten me a gold trophy. I will not get a trophy now. Has anyone else had similar issues like this lately? I have just now started back playing Neopets after being on hiatus for over a year. If I am posting this in the wrong thread, please move it or delete it; thank you.
Ive had that happen with the escape from meridell castle game. When i sent my score, i would have been 46th on the high scores, therefore getting me the avatar. well my score got reviewed and then accepted a few days later, but by then other players had scored more, so I went down to like 52nd on the highscores list and didnt get my avatar. I was pretty mad.
Learn the review scores, then avoid them. If you submit above 5,900 on Kiss the Mortog, it's review. If you want to go for that trophy, then stay up to 12 AM rest night and score 5,900. Review for that game never comes in on time for trophies; I did the same thing a few months back. ;-;
Is that possible for other games too Anfan? To wait until 12am NST on reset night? As long as I dont go over the review score?
I've been waiting months over a reviewed score... No neomail, and i know its not been accepted because my highscore says it hasn't
...how else do you think people get gold trophies on games with max scores? (Besides the special six.) Trophies are awarded at around 11:50 PM NST, so on reset night just stay up and wait for the high scores tables to be cleared. Then go get the highest score you can in a game, without going over review, and you should be fine. Some review scores get passed on reset day, but most don't. I think there's a petpage devoted just for telling you the score levels for reset night trophies - www.neopets.com/~Reset_Night_Scores
I just got my double or nothing score approved today; would've gotten me a gold at the beginning of the month, now nothing -_-
so from what I see then is this. All non flash games are checked very seldom. This would have been good to know when I was all excited to be getting a random chance game trophy lol. So on the first it is
a few months ago I lost my gold trophies in both eliv thade and dueling decks that took me HOURS to get, because it took them over a week to finally review the scores. I'm still pretty ticked off about it. the silver on my profile mocks me daily
Heh, I know what you mean there. I have a silver in Eliv Thade because it took them two (or was it three) days to review. I was just perplexed that it took two weeks for this one, but I see it is norm nowadays so I will have to try to get around it .. midnight is 3 am at my place but i may just wake up early that day to send score. That is a good question. If i play a game and dont send score the night before, can i just let my computer sit on that page all night and then send score after reset for credit?