I find this to be ridiculous, the guy is going to try and assault this pope, just like he shot John Paul II. What do you think of this. I forgot the guys name but he's Muslim and wants to discuss religous matters with the Pope.
Well, if he has any intentions to harm the pope due to religious conflict - which it probably is the case, I say that he shouldn't be allowed. He would be harming innocents just due to his fanaticism.
There must be some rational thought behind why he's allowed to see the pope. I guess we just don't know it.
I still don't think its right, not only is he going to leave jail, they're going to be in the same room with no seperator in between.
Yeah I agree with you also. I don't think he should be allowed to see the pope. But I'm sure they have some plans and security measures for him.
If they disarm him and do security measures, and if the muslim has good intentions, then I don't see why not?
Christianity is based heavely on people being forgiven for their sins/actions. Being the pope I think that he should give them another chance.
This has to be a publicity stunt trying to make up for the fact the pope made a rediculous comment on the Muslim relgion. He must be trying to adone for what he had said.
John Paul II met with him after he was shot by him, I see no reason to believe that the new pope shouldn't meet with him. Then again, if I remember correctly, John Paul II met with him in jail so situation is a bit different from what you're saying.
The pope is just stupid if he lets that killer pass through and meet him. But I doubt this will happen.
as long as they have the weeting monitored and guards ready to come in if something happens it should be ok
I think he should be allowed to see another pope. It would be discrimination of a ..erm ...criminal to not allow him to. As lonq as he was under surveillance for obvious reasons it should be find.
well originally i put the "IS TEH POPE CRAZEH? HE GONNA DIE!" option but now that i think about it, if they searched him and put surveillance up, then i think it would be fine.
No. The Pope should deny. Why would you ever meet with a dangeroud criminal with a history of attacking your kind?
I think it would be okay, as long as it was like, riddiculusly well monitored. Like if he said "I want to speak to the pope alone", that would be a very different story. Just be careful and learn from the last mistake.