A pet searcher that would automatically find pets...like for example when someone goes: pets format is "Xxx##xxx#XXXxX##", you could plug that in along with the color and it could find the pet. Just some stuff makes me curious...
Do You Mean Like Via Pound? Like A Name Pet Adopter Where You Put I n Name Of Pet and it refreshes TONS until it gets it or what ?
The short answer: it'd be pretty much useless and impossible. The long answer: I don't think this would really be possible.. though theoretically you could search every pet with every combination of letters and numbers in the right order and have it look at each page to see if it's the right color and species, it would take FOREVER. Not to mention you don't get much worth out of it except possibly being able to snipe a pet in the pound.. but if you're finding these xxx### pet names on sites like neofriends, the odds are that whoever is receiving the pet will have an autoadopter to get it, just like you. My .2 cents.. i can't say i've ever made a neopets program before so perhaps I'm wrong, but I do know some.
what about if you just input the species (no name, no color) and it would search the pound. it could be useful in finding limited edition pets that people for some reason abandoned.