PetPet sitter [Legit guide]

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by zippy, Jun 20, 2007.

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  1. zippy

    zippy Level IV

    Nov 9, 2006
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    Zippy guide to petpet sitter


    The objetive of this game is that you should put every petpet in the correct room, there are 6 needs that each petpet can have.

    [​IMG]This petpet needs to go to bedroom
    [​IMG]This robo petpet needs to repair
    [​IMG]This gruslen need to go to bathroom
    [​IMG]This feepit need to go to the Kitchen and eat
    [​IMG]This baabaa cant resist the idea of go outside

    In this screenshot you will see in wich room you have to put the petpets


    You have 30 seconds to put the petpet on the correct place, when you achieve 100 points, it will reduce to 15, and then you will only have 10 seconds to put the petpets in the correct room.


    Just hold a click on the petpet and move to the correct room


    Every time you put a petpet on the correct room, you will win 10 points, if you put them in the incorrect room, you will lose 10 points, sometimes the petpets destroy the flowers, the bucket or the milk, use the puppet to clean and win extra 5 points.


    Use full screen to see better what each petpet need, the game will start easy, then at 700 points it will become so difficult, with like 6 petpetss at the same time, but when you achieve 1000 points, the game will be so laggy, sooo laggy, so lots more easier ! then the petpets will need minus help, so start to clean with the puppet because it will be fully of petpets and always destroying all. Believe me is so easy if you can achieve the 1000 points. Keep practicing

    Avatars & Trophies

    2500 points



    I think its a very easy game, i achieved the gold trophy twice, legit =)
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