I've been creating accounts lately and have noticed that when choosing a starting pet some pets have much better stats than others, particularly xweetoks and boris. will these pets always have better starting stats, or does the pattern change sometimes? are the pets with the especially good stats deficient in some other way?
I noticed the same thing, so when I made my most recent main I made him a bori to start training, then morphed him into a kacheek. to keep it simple enough for training and equipment at low level BD
no some pets always have better stats than others. for example if you create a mynci, your pet only has like 4hp max haha. kougras usually start out with like 15hp. i think grarrls start with like 12ish strength too. maybe we could make a list of starting stats of each pet. that way people making a new pet for training will already be like 20 stats ahead if they pick the right pet.
I remember korbats and usuls having really low starting HP. My side account chia isn't that fabulous either with 9 HP. I'd better start liking Grarrls more.. I also second Snowmanny's idea of making a list of the stats. Someone with lots of side accounts 'd better do it [...]
i always wondered this too, most of the time i just make a kacheek cuz they seem to have even stats and all decently high. Not sure if theres another pet that has all the stats starting over 10
How much did the morphing potion cost? Because it may have been more than the few dubloons or codestones it would take to even out the stats had you created a kacheek originally
This measly stats wouldnt affect u alot anyways, better off picking a pet with icon resistance than 1 or 2 points more stats
Quite a lot of the pets have resistances actually. But some of them also have weaknesses. If you were going to pick a pet, I would also consider ones that have species freezers and/or 50% healers. They'll save a few millions in neopoints. http://idb.finalhit.org/species/2 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/4 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/5 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/7 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/8 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/9 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/10 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/11 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/15 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/16 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/18 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/20 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/22 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/24 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/25 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/35 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/37 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/38 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/39 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/42 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/43 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/44 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/46 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/47 http://idb.finalhit.org/species/49
Does it really matter,as long as you use coltzans shrine when you start out your stats will develop for free anyways...
The reason I picked my Xweetok was because of the nice stats. And even with going to Coltzan and stuff it just ups them quicker.