Petz Pointz The challenge begins November 13th and ends December 11th, 2009. You will get an item every time the growth bar grows. There are 3 ways to get pointz: Play the mini game up to 3 times a day (2 pointz for every 500 points earned in the game) link Answer the trivia daily (you will get 25 pointz for the correct answer) link Click on the daily animal trivia in the middle. Watch the video 3 times a day (each time you watch you get 10 pointz) link Click on Menu, than click on "check out petz nursery video game" Previous ansers: Spoiler November 14th Q: How should you handle a dog that sheds? A: Brush the dog every day November 15th Q: What kind of dog is the most popular in the world? A: Mutt November 16th Q: What animal has the biggest ears? A: African Elephant November 17th Q: Where do guinea pigs come from? A: South America November 18th Q: What color are a kittens eyes? A: Blue November 19th Q: How far can a hamster run in his wheel in one night? A: 6 Miles November 20th Q: Why do horses stamp their hind feet? A: To get rid of flies November 21st Q: Why do dogs have black lips? A: To protect against sunburns November 22nd Q: Why do sharks attack people? A: All of these November 23rd Q: What should you feed your Dog? A: Dog Food November 24th Q: What is the number one rule of bird handling? A: Be gentle November 25th Q: What are good toys for pet rats? A: All of these November 26th Q: How can you tell if your dog may need to shed a few pounds? A: You can't feel his ribs November 27th Q: What does a veterinarian do? A: All of these November 28th Q: What do garter snakes eat? A: Insects November 29th Q: What should you study to be a zookeeper? A: Biology P: 25 pointz + 250 neopoints