Since Pk worlds are out you should be in a rush to get in them cuz every time something exciting happens it tends to get a bit laggy so watch out
the PK worlds are really weird though. you dont get their items if they die, you get newly generated items from runescape that are about the same value as what they had on them.
I haven't played runescape since they closed RSC all those years ago, but I believe the idea behind it was so that you couldn't transfer items from one account to another, thus preventing the cycle of GP selling for real life money. Players still lose their items when they die, however the booty the killing player recieves depends upon a number of factors such as how long they've been pking for, the level of the person killed, the total accumulated wealth of their inventory and items worn etc. Whilst the player who dies loses their items you are not rewarded those items, rather you get a booty which reflects it (based upon mentioned factors) Though as I said, I haven't played since classic closed and I just heard this through a friend a while ago in passing.
i have tried the pk worlds.. a lot different .. i did how ever manage to go 3 days before i got killed =0)
This is a quick was 2 take many items out of the Rs econemy rofl.. I've lost so much.. killed about 3x more then died but still dont have profit from it.. really gay.