Plushie Tycoon Tip

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Richy, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. Richy

    Richy Level IV

    Jul 2, 2007
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    I don't know if this is illegal (I'd reckon it is), so I didn't put legit or il in the subject line
    You don't need many accessories to create plushies

    For some reason, PT is not very good at checking whether or not you have all the materials for a job, so here's what you can do:

    Buy enough cloth, stuffing, and packaging for all the jobs you want to do. Buy enough accessories for just one. Start a new job, select the pet and all materials, hit Submit, select quantity, and hit Submit again. You'll have just started a job. Now, to do it again, hit the backspace key on your keyboard (or the back page in your browser) twice, so you're at the screen where you select materials. Hit Submit, select quantity, and hit Submit again. Even though you only had enough accessories for one job, your factory will have started another! This only works as long as you follow the cycle; once you leave, PT will recognize that you've used your accessories, and you won't be able to start more jobs off the same ones.

    This does not work for cloth, as you'll receive a notice that you don't have enough materials.
    I haven't checked to see if it works for stuffing and packaging.
  2. MCheezie

    MCheezie Level IV

    Nov 24, 2006
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    Didn't work