I've always been a Pokémon fan. So I got myself a DS and a copy of pearl. It's been 2 weeks and I can't put it down. The fact that you can go online and trade with people online or battle them online is awesome. The graphics are so much better than the old games and its just fun. Of course I can't get my trusty Missingno
Yeah...my friend has Pearl too and couldn't stop playing at all! I wish i had enuff money to buy a DS and either Pearl or Diamond, but I have a PSP...*sigh*...
I am going to pick up a copy in a few days. Can you really trade and battle with anyone online or do you need a friend code for everything like so many other ds games?
BTW... how is the online battling and trading? Is the battling hard? How bout trading? Is it easy to get ripped off?
You need a friend code, but theres a GTS where you can put your pokemon up for trade and people can trade it. Battling aint too hard. However due to action replays and gamesharks many people try to trade hacked pokemon. So be careful.
Thats kind of disappointing. I was hoping for a battle tower where you could battle anyone around the world.
My bro has the game and we both love it. However he got stuck in the Candice in Snowpoint so he's training his pokemon to level 45. I heard of the online play but we never did it. It sounds awesome though.
I am not a big fan of Pokémon.. I am chinese and got it like when i was 10 or something. in china and japan, it's for little kids under 10 only.... don't know why everybody likes it here, well they made more money from Pokémon in other countries then Japan and China where it came from.