Re: Haha, funniest comic ever I suppose you don't see the humor at all. I thought it was pretty obvious, but I guess not. I'll make a poll
I know its not the best, XKCD has much better comics, but I just put that in the title so more people would come view it A lot of the hilarious comics from XKCD are a kind of inside-joke amongst computer science, science and math nerds. Here's a relatively simple one:
I sure dont understand that new one because I don't remember the table. Apple with tin it a joke about the apple computers?
Tin is Sn in the periodic table Inside jokes aren't funny because the joke is funny. Its funny because you understand something that most people don't. (I got that from Wikipedia ) "The point of the joke is not humour, but recognition as a member of the group who was at the scene or informed of the circumstances." "Part of the power of an inside joke is that its audience knows that there are those who do not understand the joke" yes, I go to strange pages on Wikipedia
Thanks for explaining that XD I would have never figured it out. I dont remember anything from chem. So i would have been lost til i wasnt lazy to look it up. But dane cook is pretty fun. I stayed up one night watching random videos on youtube of him. I also think brent eastwood is kinda funny. Just cause hes handicapped and he accepts it and makes jokes about it. I feel bad laughing at him but hes still funny.