Unfortunately I can't go for the MSP/Robot pets so now I don't know what to do with this quest. Can you guys give me suggestions as well If you have any UC MSP or RObot shoyru/Jetsam/Kyrii/kacheek/ or other old robot pets I am willing to trade for this quest.
Well to trade you're going to have to wait until you hit level 1 in order to access the black market and I'm sure there will be allot of people interested in trading for it.
You're right about people being interested in it; I just don;t know if I wanna use it for myself tho. My dream pet is a MSP POOGLE; UC though. I had one of the very first ones out there and then I made a mistake while rsing. I rsed the first every grape chia pop but while the site was lagged out for every one so all the items were out but no one could get past the haggle page I used the different server as in home.neopets.com instead of www.neopets.com As soon as I put the chia pop on the TP Chain iced right away. Lost 150mill bd set; BD MSP POOGLE with my LEV Snowbunny Stamp etc. Sad to think about the memories... Still I don;t mind another MSP Poogle though so I'd trade for an UC MSP Poogle anytime.
Hmm... that'd be a hard one to swing I've seen UC MSPs go for as much as $100 and Fountain Faerie Quests usually go for a little less than the most expensive PB which is plushie if I'm not mistake.
That's true; but if i can get a custom draik or krawk I'm sure someone will be willing to give up a MSP. I just need to rs a draik/krawk mp or draik egg with the fountain faerie and a word name pet. It should be a go.. hopefully. How about ALien Aisha I'm sure they're rare too?
Uhm, everyone I asked when I had my FFQ recommended plushie/pirate, so I went with pirate =D And I wouldn't know if people would give it up for that, but of course, if you got a draik/krawk and painted them with FFQ it would be worth more than let's say a gelert
Krawks and Draiks are the exception to the rule Plushie or pirate Draik/Krawk would put your pet worth at around 20 or so mil right around the MSP range after that it'll just be about finding one.
I been shacked away at merifoods and Magic Potions but Im a full time University student and I work 4 times a week night shift in an underground Gambling location. So I just don't have much time to restock properly; hopefully with the Ab's in the site I'll be able to get a draik customed and through which my MSP Poogle will be back. I hate Neopets UC and Converted pets. The new ones are soo bad!
Im Putting it up for 8mill NP to see if anyone wants it otherwise I might get an Alien Aisha; I like rare pets
I want to have an UC MSP but they're so hard to come by or UC Robot Shoyru. SHoyru's were my first favourite pets.