Is it guaranteed that Poogles will be creatable on Poogle Day? How old does your account need to be to create a poogle? At what time would they release poogles to be created? 12 AM?
Since poogles are Limited Edition, not restricted, yes it's guaranteed. Your account can be any age for creating poogles - it's just that if you then pound one of your poogles, you won't be able to re-adopt it on that account until the account is 4+ months old. (You can't adopt any limited edition species of pet on an account under 4 months old.) Releases are generally "random", but follow a pattern. (e.g. if they were last released at 6:37 and 6:47, chances are they'll be released again at 6:57.) Just hang around on the PC (Pound Chat; the Neopian Pound board) and whenever there's a round of create-able poogles I'm sure the board will be covered in topics with "GO CREATE YOUR POOGLE NOW!" or some other variation as the title in obnoxious all caps. Any other questions?
I don't think anyone knows the exact amount - but I would hazard a guess that maybe a couple thousand or so would be released
I haven't been able to get one yet... Stayed up till 3 last night for no reason D: Got some cool names for them though if I ever do get the chance to make one
How can you NOT get one? In the last few hours you hardly even needed to refresh to see them available I made enough for a whole years of zapping, assuming the lab doesn't change species more than once every 2 weeks